Monday, November 10, 2008

I was hanging out with a group of friends over the weekend and , inevitably, the topic of attraction came up. A few names were tossed around,celebrities and acquaintances, and each person differed in taste. It was interesting to me that some thought particular people were attractive, while others weren't attracted to the specific person in the least.

As we continued to discuss attraction, everyone agreed on the fact that someone can be the most beautiful person in the world but if he or she isn't personable, whatever the reason may be, the person becomes ugly.

Though it's such a simple concept, I was reminded that, no matter what kind of messages the media sends, beauty will always be in the eye of the beholder and attractiveness is as much personality as anything.


Anonymous said...

Interesting and timely post. I just saw a new reality show advertised last night called "True Beauty," an endeavor by Tyra Banks and Ashton Kutcher. The premise of the show is a "beauty pageant," but unbeknownst to the contestants, they are being judged on their inner beauty. Check out the Web site at

The_Laur said...

Wow. So true. I have found myself in discussion about similar topics lately and me and my friend also agreed. He told me that there is only so much looks can do for someone, personality is so much more important and makes that much more od a difference.

Emily Murphy said...

I just looked at the Web site. Thanks for pointing that out to me. I had no idea abc was coming out with the show. I think this show will have many ripple affects. It is a step in the right direction.

Emily Murphy said...

I am pleasantly surprised to hear that you were having this conversation with one of your guy friends. I know he is not the only guy that feels that inner beauty is important; however, it's generally not the message that is emphasized by the male population.

Anonymous said...

I agree that beauty is only skin deep, but if you owned a company and wanted to create an advertisement or commercial, wouldn't you use models to promote your product or service?

Kelly said...

This is so true. My friends and I talk about this atlength, mostly when they are analyzing me. One of my guy friends even calls me the Ice Queen because I come off cold to guys. My mom calls it just being picky. I'm not saying "Oh I'm such a beauty" but I do get hit on by strangers who I then blow off on purpose with my personality. Not many guys stick around to make me get to know them and vice versa. Which is quite understandable, because who wants someone who seems disinterested?

Emily Murphy said...

I do think there is a time and place for models and people who are physically attractive. I think its even valuable in advertising, but I think there is way too much value placed on outward, stereotypical beauty.

Emily Murphy said...


I think its interesting that you have talked about this with your friends. Are you saying that often people don't stick around if there is not an immediate attraction, or are you saying that you often find that guys are attracted to you for your outward beauty, not because they want to stick around?